Case Study:

Social Media Campaign for Rising Oak Nature Education


Final Mockup of the “About Us” IG Story Highlights for clients Amy & Tora


Rising Oak Nature Education (RONE) is a for-profit “forest school” based in San Jose, CA. A forest school is a type of early childhood education that takes place primarily in forests and woodlands. The curriculum is fluid, focusing on a learner-led outdoor play that encourages curiosity and exploration.

My clients were Amy Mohsin, the founder, and primary educator of the business, and Tora Troop, the co-founder, administrator, and lead aide. They wished to expand and take on more students; however, to achieve this goal they would need extra help. Their business goal was to hire one new teacher by the start of the 2022–2023 school year.


Target Audience

  • Young girl on computer

    New College Graduate or Younger Teacher

  • Young girl and boy studying

    Interested in teaching grades K–4

  • three girls outside on a laptop

    Passionate About the outdoors

Role & Responsibilities


I worked closely for eight weeks on a team with three other graphic designers. I juggled multiple roles and responsibilities which included client relations, project management, media planning, copywriting, and establishing a cohesive look for the campaign.

I designed content for the client’s Instagram story highlights, created final social media mockups, and put together design pitch meeting presentation decks.


During our team’s research phase we focused on several areas to better prepare ourselves to meet our client’s stated business goal of hiring one new teacher.

We started by learning everything we could about forest schools and familiarized ourselves with their teaching philosophy and practices. We analyzed the local competition, which we found to have a limited presence within the US, and thus these schools actually viewed each other as collaborators rather than competitors. Our team also conducted some fieldwork, where we visited our client’s forest school and gained great insight into how a forest school operates and how to better market our client’s business to potential new teachers.

We took a deep dive into existing social media campaigns, on multiple social media platforms, to better understand how these platforms were being used to attract potential employees. From that research, we compiled a list of design styles used by other forest schools or educational institutions for younger children to present to our client which provided a focused design direction for our campaign.

Compiled list of possible design styles created for the client

Research Phase

  1. Analyzed the competition

  2. Researched existing social media campaigns to hire a new employee

  3. Visited client’s school

  4. Compiled a list of possible design styles

Discovery & Ideation

Our team started our design process with word maps to get to the heart of the question, “Why do people become teachers?” In our exercise we realized it’s because:

Why do People become teachers?

  • They want to make a difference

  • Make a lasting impact on a child’s development

Therefore, we went into this project keeping in mind that our social media campaign had to capture the fun/spirit of the outdoor experience while persuading a teacher why they should potentially make the leap into a forest school. Our content had to be informative, persuasive, and inspirational. 

In our sketches, we focused on translating our client’s current brand assets, that were available on their website, to content that fit within the parameters of varying social media platforms. Our goal throughout this process was to emphasize the visuals and minimize the available text while still remaining informative. 

As our team began creating a variety of design iterations, we learned the importance of creating scalable content that would translate on a smaller screen, i.e. phone screens. Most users who use social media use their phones and we needed to constantly test the legibility of our visuals and our text. 

Word Map Activity to brainstorm, “Why do people become teachers?”

IG Story Highlight Sketches – testing out possible layouts


Upon reflection, there were three major project challenges that my team faced and overcame while working together:

Project Challenges

  1. Condensed Timeline

  2. Different Time Zones

  3. Maintaining Visual Brand Consistency

The first challenge was this project’s condensed timeline which spanned roughly eight weeks and at the beginning of the process, our team was nervous that we would be unable to deliver such a robust social media campaign in such a small time frame. Despite our team’s uncertainty, with consistent communication and well-laid out project planning, our team learned the delicate art of multitasking, time management, and juggling numerous deadlines.

Our second challenge was working with a team member who was traveling and lived in a different time zone. Due to COVID-19, our team never had the pleasure of meeting in person and conducted all our design work remotely. As we navigated best practices for remote collaboration, both internally and externally, we also had to learn how to work with a teammate whose schedule didn’t always align with ours. This challenged us to become more flexible. We realized that team collaboration didn’t always have to mean we could all meet at the same time; however, by being clear on project goals, team responsibilities, and project deadlines we were able to avoid any unnecessary delays or miscommunication.

The third and final challenge was to create clear brand consistency as we translated the client’s already existing brand assets onto their social media campaign. All four designers on our team had very different design styles and ways in which we analyzed and resolved design briefs. Therefore, we were challenged to think differently when creating our design solutions and to utilize our style guide as a tool, rather than a restriction, to create and maintain a cohesive design look across all our final deliverables.

IG Story Highlight Mockup. The animated image is seen prior to seeing the About Us section.

IG Story Highlight Mockups for Mission Statement and RONE school schedules

Final Design Solution



Our team created a total of twenty-four original graphics promoting an open teaching position with Rising Oak Nature Education across three social media platforms and one promotional item to share with students and their families. The bulk of our campaign focused on developing a cohesive branded social media account for RONE, resulting in brand consistency across media channels and strengthening trust between the users and the business.

Our final solution was to create a “We’re Hiring Announcement” post that could be shared across Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. By posting to multiple channels, our team engaged our client’s existing followers, broadened their reach, and attracted potential new followers/interested new teachers. 

Project Solution

  • 24 Graphics Promoting an Open Teaching Position with RONE

  • 1 Promotional Item for RONE students and family

  • 1 “We’re Hiring Post” to be shared across Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn

What I Learned


During this process, I learned how social media can be used as an effective tool to engage and maintain a healthy relationship with a chosen target audience. I grew to understand the importance of researching media kits in advance to ensure your final design solution fits within the parameters given and that your design’s message is not lost because you chose the wrong type of social media platform. Throughout this project, my team and I constantly tested our designs directly on the social media platform we intended to post to, to better get a sense of scale and to question the readability of our content and design choices. Since most social media users use their phones to browse through content, I found it’s best to view one’s designs through the lens of your audience. 

Through this service-learning project for RONE, I improved my ability to speak to other designers, clients, and how to effectively present my design process and ideas. I learned a lot about client relations, setting up project goals and deadlines, collaborating remotely, the importance of user testing, and how to package completed file deliverables. 

Key Takeaways

  • Social Media is an effective tool to create/maintain a relationship with your target audience 

  • Research Media Kits in advance 

  • Test your designs first before posting to your chosen platform 

Improved skills

  • Communication with other designers and clients 

  • Ability to present my design process and ideas 

  • Setting project goals and deadlines 

  • Remote Collaboration 

  • Packaging Final File Deliverables

 “…the process was very smooth. During our meetings, we always felt like our input was heard and valued, and edits were done promptly. It was a very enjoyable and fruitful process, and we think the team did a great job on their efforts.”

Rising Oak Nature Education


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